Guidance and advice on your life journey

For a more authentic, happier and healthier version of you and a meaningful life

Welcome to Het Vitaal Loket (vitality counter), a practice for pscho-spiritual guidance and medical intuition

You can ask questions about yourself and your life. Whether it's your physical, mental, or spiritual health, your work, your relationships, or your family life. I will provide you with guidance and help you find your answers.

Do you seek more than just answers? I offer you a safe space to find peace and clarity. With my holistic an unique approach, I’ll help you restore balance and discover your inner strength.

If you need any further information or are unsure if my services are right for you, feel free to contact me or schedule a free introductory session.


For questions like:

  • Why do I feel so empty and restless inside?

  • What’s happening in me that I have no motivation?

  • How do I navigate my relationship that’s on the rocks, or my work where I experience stress and tension?

  • What should I do with this struggle related to my past or recurring life themes?

The in-depth coaching conversation helps you:

  • Gain insight in what is truly going on.

  • Become aware of what does not align with you and the limiting beliefs that negatively impact your life.

  • Discover what your problem is trying to teach you and where it wants to lead you.

The result is that:

  • You reconnect with your feeling and inner strength.

  • You learn to trust yourself more easily.

  • You start making your own choices and the right steps to move forwards on your life path

  • You embrace your uniqueness, becoming more authentic.

  • You establish a deeper connection with others and the world as a whole. This healing process brings you inner freedom and vitality.


If you have persistent, medically unexplained physical disease, for which neither conventional nor alternative medicine has found a cause and/or solution.

I provide you with fresh insights which can uncover what was previously overlooked.

Examples of some of the symptoms of these complaints are: chronic headache, chronic back pain, chest pain, gastrointestinal problems, skin disorders, chronic fatigue, dizziness.

Medical Intuition is a method of an in-depth scanning that obtains information from the physical body and energy systems. It supports all treatment methods, from conventional to complementary and alternative(CAM).

Medical Intuition is not a substitute for regular healthcare. Before we schedule an appointment I will always inquire whether you have already consulted your GP or other qualified doctor. If you have not, I will always advise to see one first.


The right diet, lifestyle and nutritional supplements have also a great influence on how you feel and on your general health. They contribute to the prevention of many chronic illnesses, and can also greatly reduce your physical complaints and sometimes even cure them completely. A healthy lifestyle makes us mentally more resilient, having also an effect on our brain.

I take a close look at your nutrition and lifestyle habits and the use of dietary supplements. I will then give you advice that is tailored to your own body and way of living.

You gain insight into how you can improve your lifestyle and how you can make changes possible. The diet and dietary supplements advice are based on the principles of the orthomolecular nutrition.

If you require a lifestyle advice due to a physical complaint, I will in turn examine your mental health.

If necessary, I may give nutritional advice in a coaching session to provide additional support during a process of change.


During very impactful and painful events, such as the development of a serious illness, a childhood trauma, a divorce, the loss of a loved one or job, the following questions arise:

Why is this happening to me? Why me? What's the point of this? I can help you find the deep meaning of what is happening in your life in an in-depth conversation.

This way you can learn to look at the suffering that is happening to you in a way that makes you learn and grow as human and spiritual being.

Elvira Conti, Het Vitaal Loket

“You become vibrant and healthy if you learn to listen to your body, your true nature and your heart.”




The Journey to Self-Discovery, the journey back home!

The facets of the journey to self-discovery:

  • Physical

  • Mental

  • Emotional

  • Spiritual

Individual or group course

Want to know more about this course? Feel free to contact me.